Saturday, September 11, 2010

Effect Of Stepped Hull On Wing In Ground Effect (WIG) Craft During Takeoff

Published at : International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science, and Humanities 2010 (IGCESH2010)

Noverdo Saputra
Mechanical - Marine Technology
University Technology Malaysia
Skudai, Johor bahru, Malaysia

Abstract - Power efficiency of a system is one of the important criterions to achieve a green society as an efficient system lessens harmful emissions considerably, thus to find ways to reduce power is very significant. A noteworthy fraction of harmful emission is done by various transport systems, WIG craft is relatively new concept of transportation, can have a fruitful future as it is more efficient than equivalent aircraft and quicker than equivalent marine vessels, like any other modes of transportation, power efficiency of a WIG is very important, especially today when achieving a greener society is not an option but the only way for a sustainable human civilization. The aerodynamic force of a specific WIG depends on a certain minimum take off speed which is directly related with thrust power , so to reduce the amount of required energy, it is necessary to reduce the drag resistance during take off , In this paper the effect of steps bellow hull on resistance of a 2 seated WIG is discussed and analyzed by changing position and dimension of steps later it is compared with resistance hull without steps .finally how it can reduce the amount of harmful emission through reducing power is investigated.

Keywords: WIG trimaran; Planing Hull; Savitsky Method; stepped hull; power efficiency; drag reduction

In this paper the problem of drag faced by WIG during take off has been tried to be solved by adopting sweep-back steps, and by doing so how it can affect the environment has been investigated .Results show about 8 % of drag reduction can be possible which is going to reduce similar percentage of CO2 emission that a WIG of this kind is able to emit without using step. Though there further experimental investigations are needed the result of this paper can be used in the preliminary design stage for choosing the step type for the planing surface of a WIG.

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