This site tell about overview of the marine industry and its environment as it relates to all aspects of naval architecture and marine Technology, including industrial characteristic, design,analysis,procedure,standard, Construction methods, introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA), introduction to Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Computational Simulation (Matlab-Simulink).
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
11-12 December,2010 Dhaka, Bangladesh
AUTHOR: Adi Maimun, Agoes Priyanto, Noverdo Saputra
Longitudinal stability of Wing in Ground Effect Craft (WIG) is still the main concern of WIG craft designers and solutions are being sorted out to reduce this effect. In this research, investigations were conducted to determine the effect of flat ground and end plate proximity on the aerodynamic characteristics and stability criteria of NACA 6409 rectangular wing. The investigation were performed using vortex lattice method and examining the effects of flat ground and endplate on the performance of a trimaran WIG for relative ground clearances of 0.06 < h/c < 0.3, ratio endplate he/c = 0.1 on angles of attack between 0 and 8°, aspect ratio 1< AR < 2 Data is presented for lift coefficient with or without endplate, and static stability margin (SSM) versus angle of attack, and ground clearance. The result of the computation shows that the SSM was significantly affected with changing ground clearances with or without endplate. The results were also compared with experimental & CFD data from another research work.
Keywords: WIG trimaran, Longitudinal Stability, NACA 6409, vortex lattice method, endplate, ground effect
In this work, traditional Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) has been modified by using much complex Flat Wing Theory [7] and then Wielselsberger Ground Effect Theory [2] has been used to calculate lift coefficient In Ground Effect (IGE). The results show values of Lift Coefficient (CL) are more close to experimental results for Angle of Attack (AOA) larger than 2 deg for different Aspect Ratio (AR) and Ground Clearances. Researchers suggest this procedure can be followed for initial estimation of Lift Coefficient for complex wing platform WIG.
It can be shown that using End Plate on the tip wing increases lift coefficient but reduces SSM. On this note, perhaps smart configuration of tail can solve this paradox which could be investigated later.
Full Paper : you can request after conference at
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Effect Of Stepped Hull On Wing In Ground Effect (WIG) Craft During Takeoff
Noverdo Saputra
Mechanical - Marine Technology
University Technology Malaysia
Skudai, Johor bahru, Malaysia
Abstract - Power efficiency of a system is one of the important criterions to achieve a green society as an efficient system lessens harmful emissions considerably, thus to find ways to reduce power is very significant. A noteworthy fraction of harmful emission is done by various transport systems, WIG craft is relatively new concept of transportation, can have a fruitful future as it is more efficient than equivalent aircraft and quicker than equivalent marine vessels, like any other modes of transportation, power efficiency of a WIG is very important, especially today when achieving a greener society is not an option but the only way for a sustainable human civilization. The aerodynamic force of a specific WIG depends on a certain minimum take off speed which is directly related with thrust power , so to reduce the amount of required energy, it is necessary to reduce the drag resistance during take off , In this paper the effect of steps bellow hull on resistance of a 2 seated WIG is discussed and analyzed by changing position and dimension of steps later it is compared with resistance hull without steps .finally how it can reduce the amount of harmful emission through reducing power is investigated.
Keywords: WIG trimaran; Planing Hull; Savitsky Method; stepped hull; power efficiency; drag reduction
In this paper the problem of drag faced by WIG during take off has been tried to be solved by adopting sweep-back steps, and by doing so how it can affect the environment has been investigated .Results show about 8 % of drag reduction can be possible which is going to reduce similar percentage of CO2 emission that a WIG of this kind is able to emit without using step. Though there further experimental investigations are needed the result of this paper can be used in the preliminary design stage for choosing the step type for the planing surface of a WIG.
for complete Paper, send request to :
Thursday, May 27, 2010
1. as a hobby
2. for resistance test, wind tunnel test,pmm test,oscillation test,etc (for collect data)
3. for running test ,flight test
4. for other purpose (stress cure...hahaha..kidding..depend on you purpose ...:p)
1.Material Selection
Material selection is very important in making a wig model.I use the following material :
a. WIG Frame
I'm using hard cardboard to make a frame because it is very easy to cut
b. Body Shape
I use Styrofoam to make the body shape because it is very easy to set up
c. Glue
For frame ---> hot glue
For Foam ----> epoxy glue (choose suitable glue for Styrofoam)
d. Putty
Please choose special putty for Styrofoam. For this case I have been use
this product ( only for reference depend on your budget)
e. Resin
Choose suitable resin for Styrofoam, I 'm using Epoxy resin because it doesn't
damage surface of the Styrofoam.
I am using this product ( only for reference depend on your budget)
f. Paint
Please choose suitable Paint for Styrofoam
I am using this product ( only for reference depend on your budget)
2.Making Procedure
a. Make work table --> find the best ways to be able to work comfortably
b. Make frame foundation and keel set up
c. set up every frame in position
d. install body shape
e. laminating body shape use special putty
f. laminating use epoxy resin

3. Instumentation Selection
to be continue...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Cara mendaftar member RINA

RINA (The Royal Institution of Naval Architect) adalah institusi internasional yang bergerak di bidang design, konstruksi, reparasi, dan operasional kapal dan bangunan laut. Institusi yang berpusat di London, Inggris ini sudah memiliki ribuan member yang berasal dari kalangan industri, mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti, organisasi maritime, dan orang – orang yang tertarik pada dunia maritim. Untuk menjadi member, kita diharuskan mendaftar dan memenuhi persyaratan yang ada. Sebenarnya banyak sekali jenis membership yang ditawarkan, mulai dari junior member, graduate member, associate member,dll. Namun dalam bahasan ini akan saya bahas mengenai student member. Keuntungan sebagai student member adalah mendapat jurnal gratis dari RINA yang biasanya dikirim setiap 2-3 bulan sekali.

Jurnal itu terdiri dari The Naval Architect, Warship Technology, Offshore Marine Technology, Ship & Boat International, Ship Repair & Conversion Technology.
Saya sudah terdaftar sebagai student member sejak tahun 2007. Untuk menjadi student member, yang kita perlukan hanyalah mengisi form pendaftaran dan mengirimkannya lewat email. Berikut cara mendaftar sebagai student member.
1. Masuk ke website RINA
2. Di bagian atas tedapat tab Membership, lalu akan keluar menu di bawahnya dan
pilih Requirements
3. Di dalam halaman Requirements akan diterangkan berbagai macam jenis membership,
yang akan kita daftar adalah Student Member
4. Di bagian bawah halaman terdapat link untuk mendownload form application yang
judulnya Application for non-Corporate membership, download yang Student Member
Application Form(Ms World)
5. Setelah form didownload, isi data diri pada form tersebut. Tulislah nama, alamat,
dan email anda dengan jelas. Karena data diri anda sangat diperlukan untuk
kelancaran registrasi.
6. Bagian Academic Qualification silakan diisi mengenai pendidikan anda. Yang
diisikan adalah riwayat pendidikan anda di institusi maritim
7. Setelah data terisi lengkap, kirim form tersebut via email ke
8. Selanjutnya bersabarlah untuk menerima balasan surat atau email
Lamanya aplikasi yang kita ajukan disetujui berbeda-beda setiap orang. Pengalaman saya pada waktu mengirimkan pertama kali, dalam jangka waktu sekitar 1 bulan saya menerima surat dari RINA yang isinya bahwa aplikasi saya disetujui. Di dalamnya juga dilampirkan nomor keanggotaan saya. Setelah itu setiap 2-3 bulan skali saya dikirim jurnal – jurnal tersebut via pos. Dan yang pasti GRATIS (tentunya menarik sekali buat mahasiswa yang doyan gratisan seperti saya ini)
Namun ada juga teman saya yang mengirimkan 2 – 3 kali baru menerima surat balasan. Yang penting sabar aja. Ya gimana lagi, RINA kan sebuah institusi internasional. Setiap harinya pasti ribuan surat atau email masuk ke mereka. Siapa tahu email anda belum sempat terbaca..
OK ,,,selamat mencoba
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
STT(Sarawak Tandem Taxy)

By Noverdo Saputra
From pristine underwater marine life and untouched coral reefs to rich heritage and from wilderness to modern city landscape,
STT is one of concept vehicles that reflect the characters and culture of the population of
This vehicle has unique characteristics, at low speeds( 7 – 10 knot) we can enjoy a trip to Sarawak, and at high speed ( 25 - 35 knot) these vehicles can fly as high as 30-50 cm above sea level, with the automatic Anti Piching System(APS) of this vehicle stability is no doubt.